The films storyline follows the same continuity as the Transformers cartoon. THE MOVIE was based on the animated TV series by the same name. Transformers The Movie Transformers Artwork Transformers Art Transformers Masterpiece It was co-produced and directed by Nelson Shin who also produced the television seriesThe screenplay was written by Ron Friedman who created The Bionic Six a year later. Transformers the movie . After a failed attack on Autobot City a broken and battered Megatron is rescued by the planet destroyer. For millennia the heroic Autobots led by Optimus Prime Peter Cullen have been at war with the evil Megatron Frank Welker and his Decepticons over control of their home planet of Cybertron. Transformers Masterpiece MPM-12 Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime Revealed Posted by Evil Eye on February 25th 2021 1003am CST The robot mode looks great but that vehicle mode oh ye gods. Leonard Nimoy Orson Welles and Peter CullenThe Transformers. Transformers the animated ...